How to Open a Website with Applescript

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Hi There all…

To make applescript open to any web page you would like insert the following code into the top of your applescript document:



to goToWebPage(theWebPage)
 tell application "Safari"
 set URL of document 1 to theWebPage
 end tell
 end goToWebPage



When you would like to go to a website use this anywhere in your code.




NOTE: This will not work if it is already inside of a Safari Tell Statement.


Will work:


tell application "Safari"
 --some code...
 end tell


tell application "Safari"
 --some code...
 end tell


Will Not Work:


tell application "Safari"
 end tell

5 Responses to “How to Open a Website with Applescript

  • Hi Samuel, Thanks a bunch for the code examples.

    Note that the code in many of your examples cannot be copy/pasted without causing runtime errors. I’m not sure the culprit, but my mac copies open and closed quotes from your web pages to the applescript editor, and the quotes cause a strange error that many newbies won’t easily recognize.

    I hope this helps,


  • It says that “can’t continue to webpage”

    to goToWebPage(“”)
    tell application “Safari”
    set URL of document 1 to theWebPage(“”)
    end tell

    end goToWebPage


    • Hey Raceer,
      I think you might have goToWebPage inside of a safari tell statement. You have to put it outside of the tell statement for it to work. So instead of
      Tell Application “Safari”
      end tell

      it needs to be like this:

      Tell Application “Safari”
      other code you want to do…
      end tell

  • A shorter and easier version is

    to goToWebPage(specifiedURL)
    do shell script “open ” & specifiedURL
    end goToWebPage


    Opens in your default browser

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  • How to Get AppleScript to Wait for a Page to Load :

    […] previous tutorials we covered  how to make applescript open a web page, how to use AppleScript to fill out forms on a web page, and how to click buttons on web pages […]

    10 years ago

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